EMSP 1010 Emergency Medial Responder

The Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) course pre-pares the student to provide initial stabilizing care to the sick or injured prior to the arrival of Emergency Medical Services Professionals (EMS), and to assist EMS personnel in transporting patients for definitive care at an appropri-ate hospital/facility. Major areas of instruction include Introductory Medical Terminology and Anatomy & Physi-ology; Responder Safety; Incident Command; Bloodborne Pathogen Training; Basic Physical Assessment; and Treatment of Trauma and Medical Emergencies; Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation and the use of Automatic Exter-nal Defibrillators. The course is a blend of lecture, hands on lab/learning, and practical scenario based learn-ing/testing. The course will include Healthcare Provider CPR/AED Certification from a Nationally Recognized Body (American Heart Association, Red Cross, etc). If this course is also approved by the Georgia State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST), suc-cessfu completion will allow the student to be eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Techni-cians (NREMT) Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) cer-tification. Topics include: Preparatory; Anatomy and Physiology; Medical Terminology; Pathophysiology; Life Span Development; Public Health; Pharmacology; Airway; Management; Respiration and Artificial Ventila-tion; Assessment; Medicine; Shock and Resuscitation; Trauma; Special Patient Populations; EMS Operations; and Integration of Patiet Assessment and Management.
