Special Considerations for Clinical/Externship/Internship Programs

  • Some clinical site facilities require a criminal background check for the purpose of clinical placements. Clinical placements are required components of the allied health program of study. All fees and expenses associated with a criminal background check are the responsibility of the student and are non-refundable.
  • Some clinical site facilities require a drug screen for the purpose of clinical placements. Clinical placements are required components of the allied health program of study. All fees and expenses associated with a drug screen are the responsibility of the student and are non-refundable.
  • Coastal Pines Technical College will not be responsible if, as a result of findings from a criminal background check, allied health students are not allowed at a clinical site or are not allowed to sit for the certification exam in their field or fail to secure employment.
  • Coastal Pines Technical College will not be responsible if, as a result of findings from a drug screen, allied health students are not allowed at a clinical site or are not allowed to sit for the certification exam in their field or fail to secure employment.
  • Any student who must take a prescription or over-the-counter medication that significantly alters his/her behavior or ability must notify the instructor and should not attend any clinical facility while under this medication.
  • Any student suspected by the instructor or clinical personnel to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at a clinical facility may be requested to take a blood alcohol test or drug screen at the student’s expense. The student will not be allowed to enter the clinical facility until favorable test results are available. A report indicating the use of alcohol or drugs/medications capable of altering behavior or ability will result in the student being permanently removed from the clinical facility, which may prevent completion of the program.