Support Services for Students with Disabilities

Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) offers a number of services to help students with disabilities find success in the academic and technical components of their program of study. A disability is described as a condition that impairs or restricts one or more major life activities. Disabilities may be deemed temporary or permanent impairments.

Special services are extended to students who have:

  • Impaired vision or hearing
  • Learning disabilities
  • Physical disabilities
  • Medical disabilities
  • Psychological impairments

Request Initiation of Services: 

It is the student’s responsibility to notify Counseling and Special Services of any special needs or disabilities the student may have that requires accommodations in the classroom. During New Student Orientation, students complete a self-disclosure form which identifies any special need or disability that may require accommodations (which are reasonable) in the classroom setting(s), or a disability  that may interfere or impede their academic success. Counseling and Special Services has a full-time staff member dedicated to assisting students with disabilities, learning disorders, and any other special physical or psychologically medically identified need.

To request and make arrangements for services, the student must meet with Counseling and Special Services Director to create a plan for classroom adjustments or accommodations. Contact Counseling and Special Services Director at 912-427-6265 or 912-285-6119. 

Student Responsibilities

  • Provide appropriate documentation:
  • Request classroom adjustments or accommodations every term.
  • Return classroom accommodation forms after they are signed and reviewed by the instructor(s) to Special Services.
  • Understand that other student services (Financial Aid, Admissions, Career, etc.) are the responsibility of the student.
  • Adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.